All the posts on this site are aimed at business people who want to get the most from their website in terms of number of engaged and interested visitors, so potentially increasing the amount of business they are able to carry out.
To that end, I have written an ebook that contains 33 items (updated to 35 items October 2020 ) that will influence the success of your business website. The book includes suggestions and ideas about:

- the purpose of your website, i.e. what do you expect the website to do for your business
- the design of the site
- the content - text, images, video etc.
- findability, i.e. how easy it is for potential customers to find your website using Google and other search engine
- technical aspects, e.g. how you can improve the speed with which pages load
Towards the end of the book, there is a way in which you can assess your site to determine where to focus your work on improving the site.
You can download the book for free using the button below.
Download Business Website Checklist
If you have any questions about this, please ask.