AttractMore Blog
News and articles to help you get the best from your website or online shop.
News and articles to help you get the best from your website or online shop.
I’ve been asked a couple of times recently about how to write good blog posts so I thought I would pull together some thoughts about this important topic. With so many blog posts available it is worth putting in some effort to ensure your posts are good quality as so many blog posts are poorly written. Yet, with some thought, a little planning and following some basic rules you can lift your posts above the noise and provide content that is worthwhile and easy to read and share.
Read moreRecent posts on this blog have focused on issue of a technical nature like page load speed, but this time I am going to offer some thoughts about customers, especially digital customers. This is important as an understanding of your customers will affect the design of your site and its content.
Read moreUploaded photos are one of the main causes of slow web pages and this post looks into this issue and gives some suggestions about how to handle it effectively to give faster page load times.
Read moreIn this post I want to touch on some factors which influence web page speed i.e. how quickly a web page appears on your screen. Clearly this is important for visitors to your site who don’t want to be kept waiting while the page loads. However, it’s also important because Google uses page load speed as one of the factors that determine where the page is placed in the search results.
Read moreJust over a month ago now, we launched a new web site for Alison Plant, an experienced Pilates instructor in Leeds. As you would expect, the web site looks great and works well on screens of all sizes, from larger desktop monitors to mobile smartphones.
Read moreThere are a number of advantages of using video on your business website. Not only does it help make a stronger connection with site visitors it can help improve search engine rankings. However, it needs to be done properly and that is the subject of this post.
Read moreThis week we have launched a new website – it’s the latest version of the site for Sue Heron who is an artist based in Huddersfield. Sue specialises in painting landscapes, people and animals. This is the second website we have created for Sue and in this new version, Sue was keen to change the background colour to black so as to make the artwork stand out more from the page. The design has been simplified so as to place the focus firmly on the paintings and there is very little colour on the site other than that provided by the artworks.
Read moreFor those that are uncertain, I wanted to take a few minutes to describe what is meant by responsive web design and the significant business benefits that can be obtained.
Read moreIt’s a common question – 'What do you actually do?' Fair question to ask. OK, here’s what’s involved in creating a professional web site and how your business will benefit from this approach.
Read moreThe launch of a new website design for AttractMore. This version is responsive and so works on screens of all sizes. It is also more modern, brighter and features a main menu as a vertical bar on the left hand side of the screen (larger screen sizes only).
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