A Starter Guide to Accessibility

Few of us can imagine not accessing the internet. As well as providing us with a wealth of information, it also allows us to shop, access healthcare and interact with our friends. And for many disabled people the internet is a lifeline, especially if they struggle to leave their homes. But a recent report has found 97.4% of website home pages fail to meet the standard accessibility requirements. This means a disabled person using one of these websites would struggle to access the information provided. Here are some actions you can take to help.
Read more7 great reasons to get a new website in 2022

The start of a new year is a good time to review the effectiveness of your website. Is it still fit for purpose? Does it bring new leads? Are you making enough sales through the website? Does it still look good and make a positive impression on potential clients? Is it secure and mobile-friendly? As we all know, the internet world changes rapidly and what worked well last year may well not work so well this year. With all that in mind, this article gives you 7 solid reasons why you might want a get a new website or make some changes to your existing site.
Read moreHow making your website accessible is also great for SEO

Google now includes 'page experience' as a factor in determining search result rankings as a means of helping ensure visitors have a great experience when using a website. So if you want better rankings, it's important to improve the usability of your site. Also, making your site more accessible to people with disabilities is the right thing to do and, of course, it makes business sense so more people can then use your site. The good news is that making a site more accessible tends to improve the usability more generally, and so improves SEO. Here are 8 tips on how you can improve the usability and accessibility of your website.
Read moreImproving Speed, Security and Accessibility

Some simple changes to a website can significantly improve its speed, security and accessibility. This post shows results obtained from making these changes.
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