Password mistakes you could be making

Everyone needs to use strong passwords to protect themselves against hacking online

Passwords are, at the moment at least, an essential part of our online life both in a work and in a personal context. They are like keys to a door, but instead, they give access to our email, our social media accounts, our bank accounts, our websites. However, many people still tend to use passwords that can be easily guessed or cracked and so put their private information at risk of being discovered by hackers. In this article, I discuss 10 ways in which you can protect yourself on line using simple techniques that can increase the security of your passwords.

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7 great reasons to get a new website in 2022

The New Year is an ideal time to review your business website and see whether it is still fit for purpose or whether it needs replacing.

The start of a new year is a good time to review the effectiveness of your website. Is it still fit for purpose? Does it bring new leads? Are you making enough sales through the website? Does it still look good and make a positive impression on potential clients? Is it secure and mobile-friendly? As we all know, the internet world changes rapidly and what worked well last year may well not work so well this year. With all that in mind, this article gives you 7 solid reasons why you might want a get a new website or make some changes to your existing site.

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Passwords - size matters - here is the proof

11 feature of professional web agencies

Passwords remain a fundamental feature of online security yet they remain vulnerable to attack by hackers. According to a recent report, 34% of successful security breaches of systems run by smaller firms were due to brute force attacks. These attacks make use of lists of passwords which are tried one after another in the hope that one will prove to be correct and allow the hacker access. This article illustrates how the use of longer, more complex passwords can significant help harden your systems against these brute force attacks and increase the safety and security of your data.

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How to protect your website against hacking

How you can protect your business website against hackers.

Your website is at risk from hackers and this post explores some measures that can be taken to protect your site against malicious attack by dealing with security vulnerabilities that may be present. Some of the actions suggested can be done without external help; others will need some specific expertise.

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Why are people trying to hack your website?

What do hackers want with a small business website?

Hackers are scanning the internet for websites that have security vulnerabilities. Once they find a vulnerability they are quick to exploit it, gaining access to your site and your web server in order to make money from this. Their activities could cause damage to your business in various ways that are discussed in this short article.

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Improving Website Security with Encryption

Keeping websites safe

This blog post discusses website security in particular the increasing need to move to secure connections between server and devices used to access websites to combat hacking. The benefits of encryption are mentioned and the move to HTTPS is strongly recommended.

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Website Risk Management

Managing the risks of having a business website

Website risk management is not a topic that receives a great deal of attention but in this article I’d like to talk about one particular aspect of the subject and emphasise the need for ongoing support and maintenance of business websites.

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An Appeal about Passwords

Strong passwords make the internet safer

As everyone knows, there is a lot of attempted fraud on the internet and there are people who would like to use your userid and password to access the services you use. Why do they do this? It may be that they can get financial information, e.g. credit card details, which they can take advantage of or, they may just want to use your email address to send SPAM messages to others. The first of these can obviously lead to your finances being compromised (usually quantifiable) and the second results in reputational damage, both personal and affecting your business (unquantifiable). Neither of these outcomes are, in any way, desirable. However, there are simple actions you can take to protect yourself.

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